Monday, August 23, 2010

It's been a while.....

....To say the least, but I have decided to put fingers on the keyboard again.

Lot's of stuff has happened since last year, when I last put some thoughts into the ether...

I have moved house! It was a trauma which only now I'm beginning to see the end of. We moved in, put up a conservatory of immense proportions, changed virtually all our furniture, transformed the garage into a study and are remodelling the back garden into a space we can relax in......or that's what I am told :))

During this period my treatment for a life threatening condition, that itself was threatening my life [?!] actually worked and my condition has steadily improved to the extent that I am now back working full time. In a job that is much more demanding than I had before I retired... I cannot work out how I arrived at this, but for now I have agreed and will honour my commitment...

The upshot of all this is that I have sadly neglected some of the things that I swore I would be enjoying courtesy of my enforced premature retrirement.

...So I will now set about remedying that.... with regular blogs , guitar practice, getting re-involved in local rugby....and getting back out for a pint every now and again.....

The old adage is :

'Why do we fall down?...........So we can pick ourselves back up again..'

lets see if that works huh??

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