Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Good Times

North Wales Hospital Rugby Football Club

This Picture was taken sometime in the mid/late 1980's. I have lost touch with just about everybody on this photo since that time [due to all sorts of reasons]. This group of lads played the game in an era before professional rugby and paid themselves for the pleasure of playing. The idea was to have some fun, whilst pitting yourself against others in a competetive environment.... the after match socialising was often taken far more seriously !!
I am not overly romanticising these days, the times were difficult and people struggled [Thatcher years].... I found this photo and decided to share it, as the team [and hospital]no longer exists and the mere act of putting this on the internet will ensure that the picture and it's associated memories will not be lost forever.
Lovely things memories

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's been a while.....

....To say the least, but I have decided to put fingers on the keyboard again.

Lot's of stuff has happened since last year, when I last put some thoughts into the ether...

I have moved house! It was a trauma which only now I'm beginning to see the end of. We moved in, put up a conservatory of immense proportions, changed virtually all our furniture, transformed the garage into a study and are remodelling the back garden into a space we can relax in......or that's what I am told :))

During this period my treatment for a life threatening condition, that itself was threatening my life [?!] actually worked and my condition has steadily improved to the extent that I am now back working full time. In a job that is much more demanding than I had before I retired... I cannot work out how I arrived at this, but for now I have agreed and will honour my commitment...

The upshot of all this is that I have sadly neglected some of the things that I swore I would be enjoying courtesy of my enforced premature retrirement.

...So I will now set about remedying that.... with regular blogs , guitar practice, getting re-involved in local rugby....and getting back out for a pint every now and again.....

The old adage is :

'Why do we fall down?...........So we can pick ourselves back up again..'

lets see if that works huh??