Today I had a request to retweet a post in support of a project by some mums, to help the NSPCC by downloading a copy of 'Tell me there's a Heaven', A request I passed on and duly downloaded the track. I asked myself '...why this one?? ' I have tons of this stuff via e mail, facebook, Twitter and acres of trees are pushed through my doorstep pushing some cause or other. I can't honour them all, I have neither the time, energy or resources. However I do choose a few to support, and that support is ongoing despite appeals or offers ..... I have seen all the Psychobabble about why we do this and been in a few discussions about which charities are more deserving than others etc. It's all Acaedemic.... we all know why WE do it and we keep it to ourselves and keep supporting the ones we choose.
This one, I love the track, didn't have it, wanted it and a charity benefitted. That sounds like a win to me.
On other topics, my son got burgled the other night, some toerag(s) got in and nicked some stuff. He is a recent student, he can't afford to replace all this stuff and insurance is an expensive commodity and difficult to get..... I just hope whatever piece of lowlife tries to plug the stuff in and gets electrocuted, then gets arrested and spends days in cold turkey, followed swiftly by some life altering accident. Benevolent ?? me? No. My bio says warm and generous.... but that only applies if you live within societies laws and conventions.
Finally, Congratulations to Oirland and their Grand Slam. I did think it was beyond them, but I was wrong.... The British & Irish Lions look to be a strong kit this year if the selectors look properly at what happened [and the European Cup]..... I'll be watching.
12 years ago
1 comment:
Best I live within societies laws and conventions then! B*stards, I just hate that stuff, I'll wish bad karma for them too!
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