Then a fan will go on and heaps of crap will be thrown into it's stream flowing in my direction! The last fortnight is an example of note:
- I overstretch my Achilles tendon by doing no more than walking in flip flops on holiday, leaving me with a painful limp.
- My car is apparently due a new timing belt costing £300 +
- The balance due on our midwinter holiday has been brought forward by 2 months!! £600
- Work, [normally an organised madhouse] goes bonkers with problems that I have to deal with.
- My Partners mother's health deteriorates and she has to be taken to hosp late at night and complicates an already complex situation.
- After years of being on transfusions, I am having to have some blood taken away [too complicated !!], which may leave me tired and listless for a few days!!
- In the midst of this my Father passes away in a care home and his arrangements have to be dealt with by me 'cos I'm the eldest....despite the fact I know nothing of his wishes or details....
- Then [as if that's not enough] an idiot woman driver forces a car to reverse into mine...and of course drove off!! I may still have to foot this bill yet!!
Throughout all this the routine stuff still needs to be done....Thank God all the major DIY has been done.
'Time Flies' they say..... let's bloody hope so for now !!!