So, the world is on the brink of a Pandemic of a Influenza variant [H1N1] ??
I have been watching the news, surfing the net, monitoring the twitterings and generally observing people do exactly what they were forecast to do.
I was part of a NHS Pandemic planning group for the last big scare, which petered out thankfully. However part of our briefing was a prediction of how the population would respond and how that would affect the course of the disease process. Fair play to the Brits we are following the stereotype to the letter. A significant percentage of people will sit and say ' this is all blown up of proportion....' or 'Media induced hype...' or worse' I have the constitution of an ox, never get the Flu..'...They will do nothing and set their face about not changing their habits at all.
Another significant percentage will panic and flood the health services demanding treatment they don't need.
The losers will be the vulnerable whose immune system has been compromised by illness and /or medication. They will be put at risk by the pig headed spreading disease around unnecessarily and the attention seeking using up vital stocks of anti virals uselessly.
What will be interesting this time around is that Pandemics will hit healthy immune system adults because it is a new variant.... stiff upper lip will be useless, although it might help the undertaker to shave you prior to your internment.
The good news in all this is that the UK has probably the most advanced systems and preparations in place for combatting a Flu outbreak of this scale. Much more advanced than USA for example .....
All we have to do is follow some basic hygiene rules. Good hand washing, sneeze into the crook of your arm not your bare hands, Use disposable tissues when possible then flush away as soon as possible. Avoid attending GP surgery or A&E depts unless serious complications set in. Increase fluids, use Paracetamol and stay off work. Avoid crowds and public gatherings...
Just doing this will shorten the Virus's progress through the population.
Silver Lining?? This is not Bird Flu.... now that little bugger would have wreaked havoc had it become a Pandemic......
In the word's of Corporal Jones...Don't Panic........just be sensible.
12 years ago